One is All All is One
一即一切 一 切即一
地球的一切都是一個整體:一滴水就是一個海洋,一個人就是整體人類,一個社會狀況就是歷史過程,一個歷史階段就是人類步向文明的演變……一次戰爭就是心靈的傳染病,一幅照片就是一個決定,一個決定就是一個念頭……這念頭可是一個善念?仰望天空看到了宇宙穹蒼,可能就找到答案:《一即一切 一切即一》,一切活着的過程,都是心念的結果。
Everything is a part of the whole we call Earth: a drop of water is an ocean; a person is the entire humanity; a social condition is history; a historical phase is evolution; a war is a spiritual epidemic; a photo is a decision; and a decision is a thought. Is this thought one of good or evil? The answer may be in the open sky if you care to lift your eyes and look: One is All, All is One. All things in existence are the outcomes of thought. After all these years, I am living proof of life’s changeability, and I have realised how ignorant I am. To me, photography is an awakening which Nature has accorded me.